Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Berkshire, Bucks and Oxfordshire? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Berkshire, Bucks and Oxfordshire,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
. The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function)
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. Beware of copycat websites; they just copied my website a few years ago, and do not update their information as I do, so theirs are usually out-of-date -and often copied incorrectly! I put dates to indicate when we last received an update from each farm,
and I make updates weekly (and whenever I hear from a farm or visitor with new info). See the customer and farmer menus at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
And if you know of any I missed and want to add them or correct the
information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
What's in season in February 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for February 2025: Spring crops are underway; don't
miss the berry season, strawberries are first, followed by the brambles! Damsons
and other plums, figs, and summer veg are next! See this page for a
harvest calendar to know when each crop is typically available.
Strawberry festivals, fetes and fayres are coming, most in June and July -
this page to find a strawberry festival near you! We also have
home preserving,
bottling, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me!
Berkshire, Bucks and Oxfordshire U-Pick Farms and Orchards, by
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Cobbs Farmshop and Kitchen - Strawberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Redcurrants, Black
currants, Tayberries, Blackberries, Runner Beans, Broad Beans, Sweetcorn
A4 Bath Road, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0SP. Phone: 01488 686770.
cobbs@cobbsfarmshop.co.uk. Open: Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 6
pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays from 10 am to 5 pm. Call about the farm shop, pick your own or coffee
shop. Typical harvest calendar (Please check the Ripeness Report for
up-to-date details of produce availability)
Strawberries: June to September;
Gooseberries: July;
Raspberries: July to October;
Redcurrants: July to August;
Black currants: July to August ;
Tayberries: July to August;
Blackberries: August to September;
Runner Beans: July to August;
Broad Beans: June to July;
Sweetcorn: September to October. (formerly called Highclose Farmshop).
All of our pick your own produce is sold by weight which means that you can
pick as much or as little as you wish when you visit. As well as being a
great day out for all ages picking your own soft fruits ends up being a very
economical way to stock up your freezer for the less productive winter
months! Prices will be marked on a board when you visit the farm as well as
which fruits are ready and available for picking. Our farm usually opens in
June, however, as always Mother Nature has the final say so please keep
checking our latest news page for updates. Our pick your own can be open
from early summer right the way through to the September with the ripening
of the late autumn raspberries. (UPDATED: June 21, 2018, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
Copas Farms Pick Your Own, Lower Mount Farm - asparagus,
beetroot, broad beans, cherries, corn (sweet), courgettes, currants (red and
black), green beans, peas, plums, raspberries (red), rhubarb, summer squash,
strawberries, U-pick and already picked, restrooms
Long Lane, Cookham,
SL6 9EE. Phone: 01628 529511. Email:
fruit@copasfarms.co.uk. Open:
every day except Mondays from 10 am till 5 pm; Last entry 1 hour before
closing time. Picking
Click here for picking updates. Directions: Lower Mount Farm is located
on the outskirts of Cookham, on the B4447 Cookham to Maidenhead Road. Our
signs from the junction with Long Lane will lead you up to the picking
Click here for a map and directions. A wide range of fruit and
vegetables are grown, the season beginning with asparagus in late
April/early May and finishing with sweetcorn in September. Payment: Cash,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard.
Copas Farms' Pick Your Own Farms offer a wide
range of high quality seasonal fruit and vegetables. Before you set out for
it is advisable to telephone the 24-Hour in-season Message Line (outgoing
message only) Tel: (01628) 529511. The Message Line will give up-to-date
information, taking into account any variants on the standard Opening Times
due to weather etc.
Last entry for picking is ONE HOUR before closing. A
minimum charge of £3 per person is made to enter the PYO fields. This is
only refundable off produce you pick yourself. (UPDATED: June 21, 2018, JBS)
(UPDATED: July 31, 2015)
Gray of Wokingham
- strawberries, raspberries, red and blackcurrants, gooseberries, beetroot,
broccoli, broad beans, carrots, cauliflowers, courgettes, marrows, onions, peas, potatoes, runner beans,
sprouts, tomatoes, rhubarb
Heathlands Road,
Wokingham, RG40 3AN. Phone: 01189
785386. Email:
info@graysfarm.co.uk. Open: May to October, Monday to Saturday from 9am to
6pm, until 8pm on Friday in June and July; CLOSED SUNDAYS (Check their
websites for updates to hours. No entry charge - Just pay for what you pick.
No need to book. Central Car Park - Toilets - Play Area - Picnic Areas -
Farm Trail Click
here for our harvest calendar. Directions:
Peach St Wokingham by Easthampstead Road At
White Horse PH Turn right into Heathlands Road. Farm is 0.3m on R. Or leave Nine Mile
Ride (B3430) opposite Ravenswood Centre. Farm 1 mile on Left.
Payment: Cash, Cheque, Visa, Mastercard. Grays
Farm is a family-run Pick Your Own farm with 65 acres of fruit and vegetables,
all grown for flavour. Especially strawberries, raspberries and runner beans.
The farm shop has farm grown soft fruits and vegetables, cream, free range eggs, cakes,
preserves, pure fruit juices, honey, ices.
Facilities: Plenty of parking, picnic area, easy
access for disabled, toilets. NATIONAL PYO FARM OF THE YEAR WINNER 2013.
Chertsey Show - Silver Salver winner 2013 for best crop. Our PYO & Farm Shop
offers Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Broad Beans, Rhubarb,
Marrows, Courgettes, Cabbage, Broccoli/Calabrese, Cauliflowers, Carrots,
Parsley, New Potatoes & Spinach. More crops will be available soon. We
are pleased to announce that although the farm was sold to Wokingham Borough
Council in 2014, we are continuing as tenants for several years to come.
Please tell everyone that we have not gone, but are still very much in
(UPDATED: June 19, 2018, JBS) (UPDATED: 10 August 2013, from their website)
PYO - asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants and
Spring Leys, Wallingford Road, Goring-on-Thames, Reading. RG8 0HP,
Phone: 01491 874471 E-mail:
Asparagus - Mid to late April to about the 21st of June, Strawberries - Second week of June to late July, Gooseberries - Beginning of June to mid July,
Raspberries - Last week of June to the beginning of August, Redcurrants - Mid June to the end of July, Blackcurrants - Mid June to the end of July, Rhubarb
- Mid to late April to the beginning of June. All timings are subject to seasonal variations. (UPDATED: 03 January 2022, JBS)
- Weedon Hill Farm Farmer Paul - sunflowers pumpkins
Buckingham Road, Weedon, Aylesbury,
HP22 4DP. Phone: 07815678324. Email:
paul@farmerpaul.co.uk. Open: sunflowers - see their website; pumpkins from October 3rd, Thursday and Friday from 2 pm to 4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday
from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, closed Monday to Wednesday, Half Term 26th - 31st October - Open 9.30am - 4.30pm (or until we sell out of pumpkins). We grow and
sell Pumpkins, Sunflowers and host other family friendly farm events. Our pumpkins will be on sale from the first weekend in October. They are displayed in
'The Pumpkin Barn' at Weedon Hill Farm off the Buckingham Road, HP22 4DP, just outside Aylesbury. The Pumpkin Barn is the perfect space for choosing your
pumpkin as we are undercover you keep dry when it rains! There is plenty of room for parking so just pop in and Farmer Paul or one of his team will be able
to help you. The pumpkins are priced according to their size and will start from as little as 50p. At the farmyard we accept cash and card.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Sunflowers (during summer months, not in October) Come and enjoy a trip
out to Farmer Paul's stunning Sunflower Field. This includes the following:
A Sunflower Trail to enjoy through the field with a scavenger hunt for the
children (which is just for fun)
Pre-cut sunflowers to buy, along with some wheat posies and Face Masks made by Mrs Farmer Paul.
A PYO Cutting area
where you can choose and cut your own sunflowers to buy (please bring your own cutting Implements. Unfortunately we will not provide any secateurs for
hygiene reasons)
Lots of photo opportunities with our famous straw bale paintings, scarecrow and lots more.
Monkshood Coffee will be available for
refreshments and the Willen Ice Cream Company who are both based locally.
FREE ENTRY (we just ask that you purchase some sunflowers) (ADDED: 10 October
2020, JBS)
Buckinghamshire (Bucks)
- Calves
Lane Farm (Iver), (aka Copas Farms)- Apples, asparagus, beans, beets, blackberries,
broad beans, Christmas trees, cherries, corn (sweet), currants (red and black),
gooseberries, peas, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, other
Billet Lane, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 0LU. Phone:
01753 652727.Email:
copasfarms@copasfarms.co.uk. or
Copas Farms operates two Pick Your Own farms which collectively extend to 83
acres. Directions: One is located on the outskirts of Cookham in Berkshire
and the other at Iver, near Slough in Buckinghamshire. Directions to Calves
lane farm
Iver. Open: A wide range of fruit and vegetables are grown, the season
beginning with asparagus in late April/early May and finishing with apples
in September. Before you set out for it is advisable to telephone the
24-Hour in-season Message Line (outgoing message only) Tel: (01753) 652727.
The Message Line will give up-to-date information, taking into account any
variants on the standard Opening Times due to weather etc. Last entry for
picking is ONE HOUR before closing. A minimum charge of £2 for Adults
and £1 for Children(depending on availability of crops) is made to enter the
PYO fields. This is only refundable off produce you pick yourself. School
visits by appointment welcomed.
- G Stevens and Sons - Soft fruit in season plus
Telephone: 01234 711464. PYO and Farm shop. Honey. Other shops
on site include Bacchus wines. Open 7 days a week 9.30am-7.30pm. Other shops
on site include wines and kitchwareshop.
Home Cottage Farm Shop - apples, pears, plums,
raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, honey
Bangors Road South, Iver, SL0
0BB. Telephone: 01753 653064. Email:
phinde@homecottagefarm.co.uk. Open: Always call or check their website
before you go; Opening hours are for June, July, August, September: Tuesday
and Thursday 2pm-5pm and Saturday and Sunday 11am-5p, From late September 7
days a week 11am-5pm or dusk if earlier; Apple Day this year will be on
Saturday 17 October; keep the date free for all the family and help us
celebrate the apple harvest! July/August for plums, raspberries and apples.
. We look forward to seeing you in the Summer. Good range of less common varieties of
apples. Apples are sold from the Farm Shop loose or in prepared 5kg bags.
Plums can also be picked and sold to order. We grow everything
we sell. Come and pick your own tasty raspberries, plums, damsons and
blackberries in September and October together with most of our 18 apple and
pear varieties. Our Farm Shop sells apples until the crop is sold out
(usually December). Honey is extracted from our own bees, which help
pollinate our fruit. We have our own free range guinea fowl, chickens and
sheep which visitors will usually see around the farm. Our web site gives
you details on what we sell, where we are and when you can pick or buy our
produce. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: July 9, 2015, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
- Lillingstone Pumpkin Patch - Pumpkins,
Stockholt Farm, Lillingstone Dayrell,Buckingham, UK MK18 5AF.
Open: see their Facebook page; they have no published a phone number or even
email, so Facebook is the only way to reach them. Lillingstone Pick Your Own
is Buckingham’s original pumpkin patch which opened it’s Farm gates for the
first time in October 2018. (ADDED: 31 August 2020 JBS)
Peterley Manor Farm - PYO Apples, plums, cherries,
blackberries, red and blackcurrants, raspberries, strawberries, Tayberries,
gooseberries, beetroot, broad beans, French beans, mange-tout, peas, runner
beans, spinach
Peterley Lane, Prestwood, Great Missenden. Phone: 01494
863566. Email:
hello@peterleymanorfarm.co.uk. Open:
Click here for our harvest calendar. Directions: A4128 High Wycombe/Grt
Missenden Road; turn right before Prestwood signed Little
Missenden/Amersham. Family run farm shop & PYO. Xmas trees grown on the
farm. The farm shop has orchard fruits, soft fruits, vegetables, free range
eggs, preserves, honey, pure fruit juices. Facilities: Ample parking, picnic
area, plants and shrubs for sale. Our location in the commuter belt and
close proximity to Great Missenden train station, sees even Londoners
venturing out at the weekend for a taste of the countryside. We began with
strawberries, raspberries and broad beans and have gradually added to the
range available to now include gooseberries, currants and tree fruits
including plums and apples; vegetables such as runner beans, peas, beetroot
and carrots, and the most recent additions include blueberries and cobnuts.
Traditional methods of farming are still used including organic fertilisers
and hand planting. The Pick Your Own starts in mid June with strawberries
and gooseberries and runs right through to the end of October with autumn
raspberries and various vegetables. Please see our seasonal calendar for
information about specific crop availability. Pick Your Own was the original
feature of the farm and we now grow over 20 acres of crops specifically for
PYO, ranging from strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries to plums and
blueberries. Here are the typical dates of availability (always call or see
our website first)
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Apples in September
Blackberries in July
Blackcurrants in June - July
Broad Beans in July
Gooseberries in June
- August
Plums in July - August
Raspberries in July
Redcurrants in
June - July
Strawberries in June - August
(UPDATED: 20 October 2020 JBS)
- Banbury Self Pick
- Many vegetables, Gooseberries, Red Currants, black currants, Dessert
Gooseberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Tayberries, Loganberries,
Blackberries, Autumn Raspberries, Cooking Apples, Eating Apples, Plums,
Broughton Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9UL. Phone: 01295 261406.
Directions: we are located on the b4035 Shipston-on-stour road 1mile1/4 from
Banbury cross. We
also stock a range of jams ,local honey and preserves. During the winter we
supply coal ,bags as well as loads of logs and boxes of kindling. As we grow
most of the fruit and veg we sell, we are very seasonal and our product
range changes all through out the year. So its worth while using our contact
us and pyo fruit pages to find out whats on offer at different times of
year. Gooseberries June- July, Red Currants June-July, black currants
July- August, Dessert Gooseberries July-August, Strawberries June-august,
Raspberries July-August, Tayberries July-August, Loganberries July-August,
Blackberries September-October, Autumn Raspberries August-October, Cooking
Apples July-September, Eating Apples September-October, Plums
August-September, Rhubarb May-July. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their
- Medley Manor Farm - PYO: Asparagus, followed by Broad Beans, followed by
Binsey Lane, off Botley Road, Oxford, UK. Phone: 01865
241251. Open: See
this page for open hours. Directions:
Click here for a map and
directions. Asparagus season Early April until mid June;
Strawberry season Mid June until the end of July; Sweetcorn season August
until late September. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
- Millets
- Apples, plums, blackberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants,
raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, Tayberries,
loganberries, broad beans, courgettes, French beans, runner beans, spinach,
mange-tout, peas
Kingston Road, Frilford, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX13 5HB. Phone: 01865
Email: enquiries@milletsfarmcentre.com.
Open: May to October; The Pick Your Own fields are open daily from 9 am to 6
pm with last entry at 5pm. Millets Farm has over 50 acres of crops
exclusively for Pick Your Own (PYO). A choice of over 30 different fruits
and vegetables can be picked including strawberries, raspberries, cherries,
blackberries, redcurrants, gooseberries, courgettes, apples, broad beans,
sweetcorn and much much more. Many new varieties of certain crops mean that
they are available for a greatly extended season. Pick your own, meet
farmyard animals, buy plants and have a go at the jungle maze. A large
proportion of our soft fruits are in poly-tunnels so great to pick whatever
the weather.Entrance to the PYO fields is £2 per person redeemable against
any fruit purchased. Please call for all up to date information and crop
availability.(UPDATED: June 21, 2018, JBS)
NOTE: I've
visited this farm several times, and found them to be well-organised, neat,
and clean! They also have a very extensive garden centre. Blake.
- Peach
Croft Farm -
PYO: Blackberries, gooseberries, loganberries, strawberries, raspberries,
Tayberries, black/redcurrants, broad beans, mange-tout, peas, mange tout, potatoes, asparagus. Christmas
free-range turkeys & geese a speciality
Whites Lane, Radley, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 2HP. Phone: 01235 520094. Open: Farm shop open May-August. Directions: From S:A4183 Abingdon north to Radley. Keep on
peripheral rd; farm on R. From N: leave A34 at first Abingdon North exit. L
to roundabout & L into 12 Acre Dr; farm 400yds on Left.
(UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
Q Gardens - blackberries, cherries, currants (red and black),
gooseberries, other berries, plums, raspberries (red), strawberries, Other
fruit or veg,
Milton Hill Steventon, Abingdon, OX13 6AB. Phone: 01235
820988. Fax: 01235 820988. Email:
info@qgardensfarmshop.co.uk. Open: Farm shop open seven days a week, 9am
to 6pm, (5pm on winter weekends). Directions:
Click here for a map and directions.We are on the A4130 between the
Milton Interchange of the A34 and the Rowstock Roundabout. Payment:
Cash, Cheque, Visa/MasterCard. All the produce is available ready-picked in
our farm shop; we also attend a number of local farmers markets. If you
require a specific product please phone in advance for availability. Farm
shop has a new deli selling cheeses, pies, sausage rolls etc. Home of the
Harwell cherry. (strawberries, Raspberries + Blackberries + Cherries + Plums
+ Damsons + Greengages. Our PYO season gets up and running with
strawberries, then the cherries.
Here's our guide bout what is in season when. ‘Picking your own’ is a great
experience - you may be having a party and want to serve fresh strawberries
for the dessert, you may want a quantity of raspberries for jam-making or
simply want to enjoy spending some time in the cherry orchard picking a rare
treat - the Harwell cherry. It’s a particularly popular activity for
children - so many of whom don’t know where their food comes from - this is
a great way of letting them know!
(UPDATED: 31 August 2020 JBS) (ADDED:
July 09, 2009)
Farm -
PYO: Blackcurrants, redcurrants, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries,
Tayberries, beetroot, asparagus, lettuce, broad beans, broccoli, cabbage,
carrots, cauliflower, French beans, mange-tout, peas, mange tout,
potato, pumpkins.
Pound Lane, Stanton St. John, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX33 1HF. Phone: 01865 351677. Open: see their website for hours and availability. Directions: Off B4027 Islip/ Wheatley rd on outskirts of Stanton St.John. From Oxford A40 Headington roundabout take N
dir signed Stanton St. John 2miles. Follow farm signs after 0.75m. Ready picked available.
We have 45 acres of fields to walk around so there is plenty to choose from.
The fields are marked with each crop - some may be picking now, some
finished picking, and some not yet ready for picking. The main fruit crops
to PYO are Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackcurrants, Redcurrants and
Blackberries. Vegetable crops comprise, Asparagus, Broad Beans, Carrots,
Beetroot. Asparagus is grown in a separate field near the Oxford Crematorium
and has a much earlier season than our other crops. We grow many other
crops including Potatoes, Gladioli, Artichokes, and Pinks that our pickers
pick and so not available for PYO. (Unless you like a long walk to get to
them!. Many parents find introducing their children to Pick Your Own is an
exciting adventure. They can really understand where their food comes from
by touching and seeing not from a textbook. There is plenty of room for the
children to get plenty of exercise while doing it and they really can't get
into too much difficulty - though occasionally some get lost (temporarily!)
in the maze of fields. (UPDATED: 03 October 2021, JBS)
- Sotwell Manor Fruit Farm
- PYO strawberries,
Sotwell Manor, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 0PX.
Phone: Phone: 01491 836375. Email:
rlgalay@hotmail.com. Open: from 10:00 to 17:00. Directions: call
for directions. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website) (UPDATED: May 31, 2009)
- The
Old Farm Shop - PYO: Blackberries, black/redcurrants,
gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, tayberries, broad beans, cabbage,
cauliflower, marrow, peas, pumpkins, runner beans, spinach, sweetcorn,
Milton Hill, Harwell, Abingdon. Phone: 01235 831247.
theoldfarmshop@aol.com. Open: MONDAY to SATURDAY 8.30am - 6pm; SUNDAY
8.30am - 5.30pm; OPEN BANK HOLIDAYS. We are a family-run business, producing
good quality fruit & vegetables, excellent free-range eggs and great meat.
We opened our shop in 1 January 2000 and have grown each year. Our season
start with asparagus in April/May. We grow root and topsoil vegetables with
a variety of salad. Vegetables include; beetroot, carrots, potatoes (early
and maincrop), cauliflowers, cabbage, marrows and pumpkins. We grow
soft fruit with a PYO site and these include, strawberries, raspberries,
red, white and blackcurrants, tayberries, jostenberrys, blackberries and
green and red gooseberries. We also grow our own apple, pears, plums,
greengages, damsons & apricots. In our shop we sell all our produce
including homemade cakes with our free range eggs all made daily, jams,
chutneys and pickles all made by us with our own produce. We lamb in April -
keep and eye on our website, so you can some along and see the lambs, and
maybe have a cuddle. You can feed the chickens any time of the year, we sell
food in the shop for them. Bring the family along to visit a variety of
farmyard animals. Christmas is a busy time of year, so why not take some of
the stress away by ordering mince pies, sausage rolls and award-winning
pickled onions and shallots, your turkey, beef and all your fruit and
vegetables. And just to let you know about our free-range eggs, come along
and see the chickens freely wandering around, and then purchase some
award-winning eggs with a taste that will make you want to return for more.
(UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
Related farm Fun and Resources
Farmshops, farmers markets and roadside stands
Pumpkin patches and related Halloween farms
Christmas Tree Farms
Festivals: Local fruit and vegetable festivals
Local Honey Sources
Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party
Easter egg hunts
Environmental resources
Consumer fraud and scam protection resources
Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails
Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks (in Canada and
the U.S.)
Maize mazes
Zombie Paintball venues
Wholesale food sources
Resources for Farmers